
Today was....

Today was hard day.... :(
im soooooooo tired now !!!

Today's afternoon
i went to a combination briefing session of job hunting at Fukuyama.
BUT i left it in 15 minutes. ahaha :)

i went to school by Shinkansen.
so,  I stopped at the career center of HJU.

I had you guide various job hunting and relaxed.

There is a lot of doing it by the end of today.
1) i must write resume and composition of job hunting ×2
2) tomorrow class's homework
3)entry seat of job
and so on..... :(

I think today that I should have been able to sleep ZZZZ

thanks for reading♪
please comment for me!!!


1 件のコメント:

  1. Hi!! Sa-chan☆

    I was surprised because your already write your blog.

    I have the homework of tomorrow class, too.
    So, I must to do it today...

    I wish your success of your job huntting!!
    We make the best of it together♪

    I'll make some comment on your blog again☆

